Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Tiny Treat

A small cottage can have just as much street appeal as it's million dollar neighbors right? I smiled when I saw this teeny tiny one bedroom Paddington abode. I just love the way the owners dressed it up, so cute!


  1. What a peaceful spot on the cyber map your blog is! We'll be certain to return from time to time for more of the serenely lovely photography you share.
    Rose & Studio Friends

  2. I agree, it does not have to be a Mansion to have appeal. Mimi xx

  3. My absolutely favourite look Beverley

  4. I miss those perfect little Paddo houses... I'm in the land of the flimsy faux Cape Cod.

  5. Oh so quaint and gorgeous - I love the painted brick... I find myself very partial to this! Thanks for sharing. Michelle

  6. I just found you and am falling in love with your blog as we speak!
    Thanks for the GORGEOUS inspiration.
    It would be such an honor for you to stop by my blog one day :)
    -Emily @ Crisp Interiors
